::: "VIT-LAB" Professional Sampling-Kit for Laboratories, with Best Plastic Measures, Containers & “Vit-Lab” Promotions, 종합 샘플링-Kit, 최상의 Plastic 계량기/샘플용기/Case/ISO Certi. :::

"VIT-LAB" Professional Sampling-Kit for Laboratories, with Best Plastic Measures, Containers & “Vit-Lab” Promotions, 종합 샘플링-Kit, 최상의 Plastic 계량기/샘플용기/Case/ISO Certi. 포함

* Laboratories & Fields (실험실이나 야전)에서 Liquids, Semi-solids, Solids 등의 시료 
보관 / 채취 / 운반 / 보관등에 최상의 편리성을 제공함.
* All-plastics로서 No-Breakage, No-Corrosion, No-Contamination인 실험 전문가용의
완벽한 Sampling-Kit 임.
* 기본구성 : 12-kinds
ㆍ100 ml PP 삼각 Flask 눈금/Screw cap
ㆍ50 ml PFA Teflon 광구병 Screw cap
ㆍ50 ml PMP Certified Graduated Cylinder A-class
ㆍ25 ml PP Blue scale Cylinder
ㆍ50 ml PP Volumetric flask
ㆍ50ml PMP Red scale Beaker
ㆍ500 ml PP Blue scale Beaker w/ handle
ㆍ500 ml LDPE Vent-cap Wash Bottle printed Acetone
ㆍ“Vit-Lab” General Catalog
ㆍCatalog CD-ROM
ㆍPrice list
ㆍISO Certificates, and Handling -case
CAT No. Description 단위/갯수 판매가
VI.199.99 SAMPLER,Kit w/CE ,12-kinds EA/1
