::: " CHARLES" : Diaphragm Pumps, 다이아프램식 진공/압력펌프 :::

" CHARLES" : Diaphragm Pumps, 다이아프램식 진공/압력펌프

■ Contamination free pumping of air and gas
■ Pumps for benchtop use
■ Flexibility and reliability
■ Fully corrosion resistant(for B85T SEP only)

The B85T pumps are designed for use with corrosive gases and vapors.
The oil free design of the pump both eliminates the risk of process
contamination and the difficulty in disposing of waste lubricants.
Suitable for continuous duty the B85T is an economical and environmentally
friendly alternative to a water jet pump.

특징 (Features)

* 소음이 적고 유지관리가 용이하며 긴 수명을 가짐.
* 압력/진공계 부착.
* Portable 타입으로 손잡이가 부착되어 있어 이동시 편리.

용도 (Applications)
* 오랜 시간 작동이 필요한 곳에 적용.
* 화학성분에 저항성을 가지므로 대부분의 가스와 용매 증기에 사용(단, B85T에만 적용).
* Rotary Evaporator에 연결하여 사용하거나 Slovent추출 시험시 적합(단, B85T에만 적용).

규격 (Specifications)

Oil-free PTFE Diaphragm Pumps “B85T”
* Max. free flow : 20 Lit./min
* Max. vacuum : 60 mbar abs          
* Max. pressure : 1.0 bar
* Motor type : IP44 Permanent capacitor with shielded ball race bearings throughout, 
  enclosed fan. 1400rpm at 50Hz, Thermal protection 120℃, Max. ambient temp. 40℃.

Case pump “Dymax 30”
* Max. free flow : 5.0 Lit./min
* Max. vacuum : 370 mbar abs         
* Max. pressure : 0.8 bar
* Motor type : Skeleton frame, shaded pole with cooling fan and
  shielded ball races throughout.
  2800rpm, Thermal protection 120℃.
CAT No. Description 단위/갯수 Price[VAT포함]


