::: " A.KRUSS" : Spectroscope, Kirchhoff-Bunsen� 분광기 :::

" A.KRUSS" : Spectroscope, Kirchhoff-Bunsen™, 분광기

This is used for qualitative analysis and measurement of emission and absorption 
* 정성 분석, 방사되거나 흡수되는 스펙트럼의 관찰
* Observation tube : moveable, with fixing screw
                     moveable ocular, objective : 18mm/160mm
* Slit tube : fixed, with variable slit
              objective : 18mm/160mm
* Scale tube : fixed, with scale of 200 divisions
               ocular : 18mm/90mm
* Flint prism : 60。, dispersion C-F=2。, base length 20mm, height 30mm
CAT No. Description 단위/갯수 Price[VAT포함]
