::: " DAIHAN" : ChromaView 300 Colorimetor, 휴대용 분광색차계 :::


" DAIHAN" : ChromaView 300 Colorimetor, 휴대용 분광색차계

■ High performance color measuring system.
■ Equipped with miniature spectrometer.
■ Operated anywhere due to a compact size and 200g’s weight.

It  is not only distinguishs between basic color, but measures tiny 
color differences and profiles. This device is PC-based and measures in contact
with the sample. It can be applied to sample quality control as well as for
intergration in production lines.

특징 (Features)

* 45。/ 0° Measuring Geometry.
  45°/ 0° (45° 쌍방향조명/수직수광방식)
  광학계를 채용하여 Sample 직경이 4 mm 정도만으로도  측정가능.
* New Level of Performance and Miniaturization Due To Microchip Technology.
  마이크로 칩 분광기술로 최상의 성능 및 소형화 구현(250g)
* Quick and Easy Measuring
  빠르고 간편한 측정 (2∼3초 이내에 측정값을 얻을 수 있음.)
* PC-based Data Processing
  PC와 RS-232C 로 통신하면서 Data를 수집하고, Excel 과 동적 연결로 측정값을 처리.

용도 (Applications)

* Color Measurement of Car, Ship, Furniture Surface.
  자동차/ 선박/ 
  가구의 도장 색관리.
* Texture and Dyeing, Printing.
  섬유/피혁의 염색도/원료의 색관리. 
* Quality Control of Vegetables, Fruits Soil Color
  토양의 색관리.
* Color Measurement for Research and Process Control
  색채의 연구/관리
* Color Comparing Measurement
  색채 비교측정 

규격 (Specifications)

* Spectral Range : 380 nm ~ 760 nm
* Measuring Geometry : Illumination 45。. Measurement 0。
* Measuring Time : 4 ms
* Photometric Range : 0 ~ 130 %
* Standard Illuminations : D65, A, C (Via Software)
* Standard Observer : 20 and 100 (Via Software)
* Resolution : 10 nm
* Repeatability : Typical <0.1 dE  (* to calibration standard)
* Power Supply : 230 V AC/ 9 V DC
* Dimensions : w140×d54×h36 mm
* Weight : 250 g
CAT No. Description 단위/갯수 Price[VAT포함]
