::: " IKA" : Continuously Cutting/ Crush Mill “MF 10”, 연속 분쇄기, Grinding Head(Option) 교체 부착형 :::


" IKA" : Continuously Cutting/ Crush Mill “MF 10”, 연속 분쇄기, Grinding Head(Option) 교체 부착형

■ Drive for Inline Microfine Grinder
■ Continuously Operating Universal Grinder

Two different grinding heads can be attached to the drive. These heads can be easily 
This facilitates cleaning and improves porcessing efficiently. 
The grinding has a powerful drive, an easy-to-clean working suitable
made of stainless steel, and a cleanly arranged design.

특 징 (Features)

* 일반 분쇄형식의 만능형이므로, 분쇄 Capacity 는 임의 조절.
* 2종류의 Grinding-Heads 가 있으며, 각각 별도의 구입품임.
  - Cutting Grinding-Head (Speed 22.5m/sec) 과 Impact Grinding-Head (Speed 31.4m/sec)
* 각 각의 Head 는 5개의 Sieves 를 Option 으로 선택 사용 가능함.
* Cutting Grinding-Head (MF10.1) : 섬유질(종이,야채,곡물등)시료나 Plastics 용에 적합.
* Impact  Crush-Head (MF10.2) : 고강도의 거의 모든 시료용에 적합.

규 격 (Specification)

* Speed Range : 3,000 ~ 6,000 rpm 	* Cutting Grinding-Head Speed : 22.5 m/sec
* Impact Crush-Head Speed : 31.4 m/sec	* Weight : 11 kg
* Dimension (w×d×h) : 320×300×450 mm
CAT No. Description 단위/갯수 Price[VAT포함]
IK.2836000 MILL,MF10 basic, Grinder body only,230V EA/1


IK.2836001 MILL,MF10 basic, Grinder body only,115V EA/1
